Mission & Vision

Our Mission

We research Canada’s history and its Christian foundations for all Canadians but especially for Christian Canadians.

We publish and sell curriculum, books and other products which reinforce our research. We use that research to tell a chronological story of Canada which began in France, moved to the Atlantic Provinces and then spread westward towards the Prairies and BC.

Our curriculum and products fill in the gaps of knowledge lacking in the Canadian Christian’s understanding of the true Christian foundations of Canada.

Our books and products also tell the story of the 25 Scripture verses in the Peace Tower of Parliament Hill as further proof of a Christian foundation.

Our Vision

  • To guide a Christian audience to discover the awe and majesty of God’s Providence in orchestrating world events that brought about the founding of Canada.

  • To educate, equip and empower students and families to be a part of God’s unfolding story; to become salt and light; and to influence our society for Christ like our forefathers in the faith did.

  • To offer Christian Canadians a unique experience of enthusiastic inspirational teaching where history comes alive.

We Believe

  • History is HIS – story (God’s story) and He commands us to teach our children and grandchildren about His wondrous works (You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise Deut – 6:7)

  • All of our past and current history flows from the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 2. We tell those stories beginning with the Reformation in France and show how they connect us to God’s tapestry. Our stories reflect God’s Sovereignty of setting up and taking down nations and leaders.

  • God uses People, who perform Actions, which are recorded as world Events and these are then taught as History.

  • In excellence in our products and in our interactions with customers.(And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him Col 3:17).

  • That personal responsibility means that you should become a Berean – search out the information yourself using the links to our research.
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