This is a valuable tool to remind Canadians, and especially Christian Canadians, about the rich legacy that Christianity has left engraved in one of our most famous buildings – The Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings.
This historic book exposes the fact that 25 Scripture Verses have been etched in and on The Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings.
You can find them in the concrete arches externally on the Peace Tower, in the brass on the Altar of Remembrance in the Memorial Chamber and etched in the glass of the beautiful Stained Glass Windows on the East, South and West of the Memorial Chamber.
They said THIS when they read the book:
I felt as if I was uncovering a hidden treasure! Such a wondrous discovery of our Christian heritage brought to light for all eyes to see, and by God’s grace, to believe!
Janette Y
Although I have spent much time on Parliament Hill, I was not aware of the many Scripture verses that you have uncovered in the recesses of those remarkable buildings.
Don P
Or buy the bundle
Note: The Biblical Legacy of Canada’s Parliament Buildings has been reprinted under a new title: Our Biblical Legacy on Parliament Hill.