The Team

Meet the ChristianRoots Canada Team

Guiding Your Empowering Educational Journey

At ChristianRoots Canada, we are constantly working to give you a great experience when you visit with us on our website. You have asked WHO we are … so here’s the updated Team 2022.

And while you are checking out our team members, nose around a little at all the great content we are making available to educate, equip and empower you to make an impact. Remember, he who does not learn from history is doomed to make the same mistakes of the past. Be the generation that turns things around for Canada.

Lynette Bloedow

She loves, research, writing and teaching. She is enjoying her foray into audio and visual teaching.

Tim Bloedow

Tim Bloedow worked in Canada’s federal political scene for 20 years. He authored three books applying Scripture to politics. He is pursuing the pastoral ministry.

Natalie Myers

Natalie is a home-schooled highschooler, our assistant curriculum developer and graphic designer. She loves writing and brainstorming new ideas. She plans to pursue a career in politics and/or journalism.

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