ByTown Museum


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From France to Canada to Dominion Day

Dominion Day had been a federal holiday that celebrated the enactment of The British North American Act which united four of Britain’s colonies – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Upper and Lower Canada (which became Ontario and Quebec), into a single country within the British Empire, and named that country The Dominion of Canada.

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The 10 Canadian Heroes…   On the first Monday in August, ten men are celebrated in Ontario because they have left indelible footprints on the sands of Canada’s time. In July and August, we will remember these heroes. These Canadian heroes  are worth remembering. And in case you...

New Edinburgh & Rideau Hall The Creativity & Resourcefulness of McKay The experience Thomas McKay gained when he first partnered with another skilled Scottish stonemason – John Redpath, to build The Lachine Canal in the 1820s, contributed to his success in getting the contract to build the Ottawa...

“[It is] almost inconceivable that such a man should have found no biographer so far,” wrote Francis J. Audet in 1932. “The extraordinary success of his ventures [is] a striking proof of what may be done in Canada by an enterprising man who applies himself diligently to his...

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