Rupert’s Land


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From France to Canada to Dominion Day

Dominion Day had been a federal holiday that celebrated the enactment of The British North American Act which united four of Britain’s colonies – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Upper and Lower Canada (which became Ontario and Quebec), into a single country within the British Empire, and named that country The Dominion of Canada.

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Have you ever thought about the important part that oceans and rivers played in the exploration and discovery of Canadian lands First Contact Fishermen from Europe France Portugal Holland and England discovered the fishing banks off Newfoundland That led to them hanging out on the beaches of...

In Part 1 we were told the following 8211 With the American purchase of Alaska in 1867 Canada s Prime Minister Sir John A MacDonald was anxious to gain control of Rupert s Land He wanted it to be annexed to the new Dominion of Canada to prevent...

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