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From France to Canada to Dominion Day

Dominion Day had been a federal holiday that celebrated the enactment of The British North American Act which united four of Britain’s colonies – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Upper and Lower Canada (which became Ontario and Quebec), into a single country within the British Empire, and named that country The Dominion of Canada.

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In this series, we do a quick survey of the different contributions that Protestants have made in Canada’s earliest days. We review our Protestant beginnings in France at the beginning of the French Reformation: The roles which Nicolas Cop and John Calvin played in triggering the French Reformation...

The French Connection is a ‘story-based’ video History course. It links our history to the marble frieze mounted over the left doorway of the House of Commons. Covering 200 years of history, this frieze shows King Francis I of France on the left, and King Louis XIV on...

The French Connection is a ‘story-based’ video History course. It links our history to the marble frieze mounted over the left doorway of the House of Commons. Covering 200 years of history, this frieze shows King Francis I of France on the left, and King Louis XIV on...

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